'Dear Friends' May 2007
Monday, May 7, 2007
Patroness of
Dear Friends,
The lilacs
are in full bloom here in western Washington state.
those blossoms -- their colors and scent -- always take
us back to the May crownings of our youth. Bringing flowers
of the fairest and rarest to honor our Blessed Mother.
And speaking of Mary, this week we received the first
copies of the new FSJC (Friends of St. John the
Caregiver) holy card/prayer card that features a prayer to Our
Lady in Need on the back. The front has the same image
of St. John and Mary that's on the
St. John holy
card/prayer card.
Prayer to Our Lady
in Need,
Patroness of Care-receivers
My Dear Mother, as you
stood at the foot
of the cross in need of help, your Son asked
St. John to become your caregiver.
Be with me now in my time of need.
Pray for me and all care-receivers,
that we can accept assistance from others
as gratefully and graciously as you did. Amen.
let us know if you would
like one or more copies mailed to you. There's no
- - -
We have to
give credit for the idea to a caregiver we met last fall
during a parish visit. She asked what material we had
for her to bring home to her care-receiver. Since then,
time and again, those receiving care have told us
how challenging they've found their vocation. Using the
scene at the foot of the cross, it becomes clear that
caregivers, care-receivers and those who assist both
each have a particular vocation.
We're happy to report each
vocation is represented among the membership of the
Friends of St. John the Caregiver. And this week we
welcome new members Ann,
Kim, Joanne and
Carol. (We
invite you to join, too.)
- - -
And, as we wrote last week: If you
have been a member of a caregiver support group would
you please let us know
what worked and what didn't work? What you liked and
what you didn't like about it? Thank you so much!
God bless
Monica and Bill
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Monday, May 14, 2007
'Not my . . .
Dear Friends,
We'll let
you in on a secret. When it comes to family caregiving,
if you're a health-care professional or social worker,
it's a whole new ballgame when it's your parent,
your spouse, or your loved one who needs
care. (We speak from personal experience when we say
that's true even if a person writes an entire book on
family caregiving!)
Yes, you
were sad when your best friend's mom needed to move into
a nursing home. Yes, you saw how devastating it was when
your sister's husband died after a lengthy illness. But
. . . There's a difference when it's your parent. When
it's your spouse. When it's someone very, very near and
dear to your heart. And that difference, that chasm, can
catch a caregiver by surprise. It's true that all those
things may happen to other people,
but not my. . . .
- - -
This week we welcome
two new members to the Friends of St. John the
Caregiver: Barbara and Helen. We thank them and all our members who
have promised to pray for family caregivers and those
receiving care. (We
invite you to join, too.)
God bless
Monica and Bill
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Monday, May 21, 2007
Lunch with the Ladies
Dear Friends,
We want to
thank the Washington State Council of the Knights of
Columbus for inviting us to make a presentation at its
last Saturday. We were the featured speakers at a
luncheon for the Knights' wives and what a lovely
audience it was. Monica talked about the
basics of Catholic
caregiving and some of the emotions commonly
experienced by caregivers and care-receivers. Bill's
topic was the Friends of St. John the Caregiver.
It was so
wonderful to be able to thank all the family caregivers
in that room and to tell them that they were being
prayed for by FSJC members. Many ladies came up to us
afterwards to tell us a little bit about their own
caregiving experiences and to say how much they
appreciated those prayers!
Well done,
Some of the ladies
who aren't caring for a loved one at this time asked for
extra material (prayers books, holy cards and so on) to
take home to give to a friend or family member who is
a caregiver right now. It was wonderful to be able to
tell them to please take as much as they needed . . .
and a little more. There's no charge.
Well done,
- - -
This week we
welcome Rita as a new member. Rita leads a support group
for caregivers and families of people with Alzheimer's.
She asked her fellow FSJC members to remember them in
their prayers. (We
invite you to join FSJC, too.)
- - -
Would you like us to
speak at your convention, gathering or parish? Are you
interested in a caregiver retreat? Just send
us a note and give us the details.
God bless
Monica and Bill
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Monday, May 28, 2007
Dear Friends,
Think back
to those simpler times when . . . Well, everything
wasn't black or white but television was. Recognize that
fellow? "Leave
It to Beaver" first aired in 1957. (And didn't that half
century pass quickly?) Assuming young Theodore was
around 6 then, he'd be in his mid-50s now and could be
taking care of a Ward and June who are pushing -- or
have already passed -- 90. (The reality is Jerry Mathers
was born in 1948, Hugh Beaumont in 1909, Barbara
Billingsley in 1915, and Tony Dow in 1945. Beaumont
died in 1982.) We mention "the Beav" here because he's
part of a little quiz in our spring
- - -
CatholicCaregivers.com now has the June editions of:
Caregivers": a one-page flier on a caregiving
topic; this month it's
"Choosing the Best Solution" --"Caregiving is pro-life!" bulletin briefs:
quotes on caregiving that can be cut and pasted
into bulletins and newsletters --Caregiver-related Prayers of Intercession for
each Sunday of the month, based on the Mass
readings for that day
There's also
a new
mini-poster that's just perfect for the bulletin
board in a church's narthex or vestibule.
- - -
This week
we're so pleased to welcome Lynn and Bob who became
members of the Friends of St. John the Caregiver. (We
invite you to join,
God bless
Monica and Bill
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